Monday, September 25, 2017

The Baby Boom

I hope you're having a fantastic week!

I want to discuss with you a topic that was pretty big in the early 60's, especially in the United States. From the 1940's and into the 1960's there was what we call the "Baby Boom." 

In 1968, the book "The Population Bomb" was written by Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne Ehrlich. The book was all about how the earth would run out of natural resources because of the increase of children being born and that the earth would become overpopulated. This idea became a concern for many people in the US and other parts of the world and can still be a topic of discussion today.

Why do you think the topic became so popular at the time? Do you still think it's important today?

Many of the claims from the book were about how millions of people would starve to death because of the lack of resources. 

However, the claims they made were not correct and the results have been on the more positive side for the world, with plenty of resources still for our use.

What were your personal thoughts about this topic? I would love to hear them.

<3 Kirie


  1. What results are you talking about? How has this been proven wrong? There are way too many people on this planet.

  2. Hey! Thank you for being willing to comment. To be honest, this was my first blog post and needs a lot of work. I think your questions are valid since I did not cite things very well. Do you mind sharing your perspective on the topic?
