Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Family Relations Blogs

Family Relations Blogs:

Blog URL
Courtney Scott
Jeffrey Meldrum’s Blog
Kandace Evans
Ellie Smith
Destiny Mills
Sophie Draper
Ivana Borba
LiMing Colkett
Parker Ogden
Casslyn Fisher
Rebekah Dunn
Erica Schumacher
Elizabeth Smith
Lindsey Johnson
Ashlyn Taylor
Toni Jo Despain
Zach Clark
Sydnie Stoddard

Eliah Gibson
Mariah Prado
Kirie Steinagel
Rebecca Field
Alayna Hudson
Ashley Clawson
Derek Russell
Kennedy Blaser
Latricia Pinto
TaLee Rose
Brittnee Tidwell
Sierra Johnson
Madison Blaylock
Alicia Gomez
Emily Shumway
Sarah Cutler
Deseret Crandall
Leah Jonas
Jessica Welling
Lauren Boyd
Briannah Ramirez
Rhyan Cronin
Anna McKinley
Ashley Hirata
Kate Fluckiger
Mariah Carter

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Baby Boom

I hope you're having a fantastic week!

I want to discuss with you a topic that was pretty big in the early 60's, especially in the United States. From the 1940's and into the 1960's there was what we call the "Baby Boom." 

In 1968, the book "The Population Bomb" was written by Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne Ehrlich. The book was all about how the earth would run out of natural resources because of the increase of children being born and that the earth would become overpopulated. This idea became a concern for many people in the US and other parts of the world and can still be a topic of discussion today.

Why do you think the topic became so popular at the time? Do you still think it's important today?

Many of the claims from the book were about how millions of people would starve to death because of the lack of resources. 

However, the claims they made were not correct and the results have been on the more positive side for the world, with plenty of resources still for our use.

What were your personal thoughts about this topic? I would love to hear them.

<3 Kirie

Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Why am I in Idaho?"

For some of you, Idaho may be your home and your refuge. You may have feelings of joy, sadness, or heartache connected to Idaho. For me, it is a new place with a new set of challenges and miracles.

I chose a rainbow for the picture of this blog post because it reminds me of the rainbow talked about in the Bible, when God promised Noah he would never flood the earth again. Now, I don't know what God you worship, but hopefully you don't get offended when I bring up my God. We don't have to agree, but it's part of who I am to talk about Him!

Well, God and I have been making a few promises with each other, and that's why I'm in Idaho. I asked Him to help me become who He wanted me to become and long story short, He sent me to BYU-Idaho to get a degree in Marriage and Family Studies.

So here I am! I will keep up this blog while I'm here so we can learn together. I know I'm not perfect at blogging, but I hope to make friends along the way.

Honestly, Marriage and Family is huge in this life. We all have different relationships in our lives that we hope to improve or understand better, and I believe through knowledge we can improve them.

Have a blessed day, and I'll be posting again soon. <3
